Friday, 20 December 2019

Term 24

Surprising crime.

Mindfulness and social change.

From farm waggon to silent double decker.

Literary translation.

The Ami project: reducing loneliness.

Stories of Oxford Castle: a West Oxford focus on historical crimes and punishments.

Some triumphs and disasters of Byzantium.

Wagner – behind the clichés.
Term 23

Can machines learn? And what does it mean?

Psychedelic drugs: how do they work?

Petrol Hybrid Electric Vehicle. Owning, running a PHEV and being researched by GULOX (Go Ultra Low Oxford).

The Arctic Misadventures of William Loffey.

Bitcoin and blockchain.

The Bank of England 1946-1997: From Public Ownership to Operational Independence.

Port Meadow’s new WW1 Memorial – an insight into a community project.

The English, the Tsar and a Thunderbolt: Elizabeth I and Ivan the Terrible.